Assessment Engine
The Pathnam Assessment Engine is advanced and considers a range of learning attributes before making a final assessment for any student. Teachers can view these attributes and assessments.
Assessments can be created using all possible question types;
Assessments can be created using all possible question types;
- multiple choice
- fill-in the blanks
- true-false
- match the following
- long text answers
These can be all configured in any proportion at the teachers discretion.
Configuration flexibility allows a variety of assignments and assessments to be created.
Assessment and Assignment time limits can also be set so that it is tracked during the assessment and can be closed when pre-set session time is exceeded.
The Pathnam assessment engine captures all the learning events scheduled in the entire learning cycle. This includes but is not limited to:
- content readings
- assignment submissions
- performance in assignments and assessment
- participation in the Quizzes
- engagement with extension materials
Institutions can use any of these, in any combination, to configure the final scoring template. This template is then used to yield the final scores/grades to be viewed by staff, parents and carers.
(*Coming soon*)Automatic, session and screen recording during assessments.