Pathnam Value For Parents
Pathnam Value for Parents
Parents/Carers are a major part of the whole learning ecosystem.
Adult monitoring and guidance help students to focus and learn in an effective way and have been shown to play a significant part in student outcomes. A supportive adult at home affects the likelihood of success for all students.
With Pathnam, parents and carers have access to their student’s ongoing learning performance for each of their subjects. This includes the progress made, class schedule, work completion and (if necessary) where they are falling behind and in need of support or intervention.
Parents and carers also have a view of their student’s queries in the discussion forum. They can see the discussion initiated by their student and their participation in other discussions.
Parents/carers can compare their students’ performance against the class average and intervene to support and assist – or to seek help from a member of staff – where needed.
Parents/carers are also privy to their students assessment schedule and can monitor work submission to support teachers and mentors from home.
Parents/carers have access to the Learning Intranet Site that contains blogs, news and additional content so they can see where their student is engaging with advanced material.
Parents/carers have access to fee schedules and payment options where applicable and can pay for courses using Pathnam; receiving receipts and a complete history of schedules, payments, and the transaction details.